Lifelong Lessons from Apple

My friend Mike Speiser’s recent LinkedIn post about his early career experience at Apple brought back fond memories of starting my own career there. Reflecting on my journey, my time at Apple was like pursuing a graduate degree in thinking differently, operating as owners, and cultivating curiosity to invent and simplify—all dedicated to addressing fundamental customer needs.

Each principle from this time has profoundly shaped my approach to work and life. I feel lucky and am forever grateful for the people, projects, and lessons learned during my time at Apple. Forever 

Hello World!

I am a husband, father, and business technology leader with many interests. I write to think “out loud”—topics that fascinate me and that I hope will also interest you.

Here, I’ll share insights deeply rooted in my personal and professional life, pondering topics that not only intrigue me but also have the potential to engage and resonate with you, the reader. Whether it’s the latest in technology, business strategies, or the balance of work and life, the goal is to explore these subjects thoroughly.

It’s important to note that the views expressed here are solely my own. They reflect my personal opinions, not those of any associated entities. These perspectives are informed by current knowledge and will evolve over time, shaped by ongoing experiences and new information.

This blog is more than a repository of thoughts; it is a venue for intellectual exchange. I encourage you to share your views, challenge ideas, and offer insights. Together, we can build a community that thrives on thoughtful dialogue and shared learning.

Welcome to the conversation.